TAG convention welcomes members of the media who are involved in the entertainment industry.

Complimentary badges are provided as a courtesy to those intending to do press coverage of TAG Convention.

If you wish to attend as Press, you must apply online.

Please note

  • Press badges will not be granted to personal blogs or photography websites.
  • Press outlets must be at least two years old.
  • Applying for a press badge does not guarantee a press badge.
  • Press badges must be picked up on site.



    • At no point should any footage taken at the TAG Convention be sold for profit.

    When attending TAG convention, all press representatives must

    • Respect the right of attendees to decline any request for an interview.
    • Not take or use pictures or videos of attendees without first gaining their written permission to be filmed and identified.
    • Stay seated in the press section when attending events, unless permission is given to sit or stand elsewhere.
    • Refrain from asking for personal photos with guests at any time during press conference or interviews.